Monday, July 28, 2008

Testing Types and Techniques

1 Testing Types and Techniques

Testing types

Testing types refer to different approaches towards testing a computer program, system or product. The two types of testing are black box testing and white box testing, which would both be discussed in detail in this chapter. Another type, termed as gray

box testing or hybrid testing is evolving presently and it combines the features of the two types.

Testing Techniques

Testing techniques refer to different methods of testing particular features a computer program, system or product. Each testing type has its own testing techniques while some techniques combine the feature of both types. Some techniques are

· Error and anomaly detection technique

· Interface checking

· Physical units checking

· Loop testing ( Discussed in detail in this chapter)

· Basis Path testing/McCabe’s cyclomatic number( Discussed in detail in this chapter)

· Control structure testing( Discussed in detail in this chapter)

· Error Guessing( Discussed in detail in this chapter)

· Boundary Value analysis ( Discussed in detail in this chapter)

· Graph based testing( Discussed in detail in this chapter)

· Equivalence partitioning( Discussed in detail in this chapter)

· Instrumentation based testing

· Random testing

· Domain testing

· Halstead’s software science

· And many more

Some of these and many others would be discussed in the later sections of this chapter.

Difference between Testing Types and Testing Techniques

Testing types deal with what aspect of the computer software would be tested, while testing techniques deal with how a specific part of the software would be tested.

That is, testing types mean whether we are testing the function or the structure of the software. In other words, we may test each function of the software to see if it is operational or we may test the internal components of the software to check if its internal workings are according to specification.

On the other hand, ‘Testing technique’ means what methods or ways would be applied or calculations would be done to test a particular feature of a software (Sometimes we test the interfaces, sometimes we test the segments, sometimes loops etc.)

How to Choose a Black Box or White Box Test?

White box testing is concerned only with testing the software product; it cannot guarantee that the complete specification has been implemented. Black box testing is concerned only with testing the specification; it cannot guarantee that all parts of the implementation have been tested. Thus black box testing is testing against the specification and will discover faults of omission, indicating that part of the specification has not been fulfilled. White box testing is testing against the implementation and will discover faults of commission, indicating that part of the implementation is faulty. In order to completely test a software product both black and white box testing are required.

White box testing is much more expensive (In terms of resources and time) than black box testing. It requires the source code to be produced before the tests can be planned and is much more laborious in the determination of suitable input data and the determination if the software is or is not correct. It is advised to start test planning with a black box testing approach as soon as the specification is available. White box tests are to be planned as soon as the Low Level Design (LLD) is complete. The Low Level Design will address all the algorithms and coding style. The paths should then be checked against the black box test plan and any additional required test cases should be determined and applied.

The consequences of test failure at initiative/requirements stage are very expensive. A failure of a test case may result in a change, which requires all black box testing to be repeated and the re-determination of the white box paths. The cheaper option is to regard the process of testing as one of quality assurance rather than quality control. The intention is that sufficient quality is put into all previous design and production stages so that it can be expected that testing will project the presence of very few faults, rather than testing being relied upon to discover any faults in the software, as in case of quality control. A combination of black box and white box test considerations is still not a completely adequate test rationale.

1.1 White Box Testing

What is WBT?

White box testing involves looking at the structure of the code. When you know the internal structure of a product, tests can be conducted to ensure that the internal operations performed according to the specification. And all internal components have been adequately exercised. In other word WBT tends to involve the coverage of the specification in the code.

Code coverage is defined in six types as listed below.

· Segment coverage – Each segment of code b/w control structure is executed at least once.

· Branch Coverage or Node Testing – Each branch in the code is taken in each possible direction at least once.

· Compound Condition Coverage – When there are multiple conditions, you must test not only each direction but also each possible combinations of conditions, which is usually done by using a ‘Truth Table’

· Basis Path Testing – Each independent path through the code is taken in a pre-determined order. This point will further be discussed in other section.

· Data Flow Testing (DFT) – In this approach you track the specific variables through each possible calculation, thus defining the set of intermediate paths through the code i.e., those based on each piece of code chosen to be tracked. Even though the paths are considered independent, dependencies across multiple paths are not really tested for by this approach. DFT tends to reflect dependencies but it is mainly through sequences of data manipulation. This approach tends to uncover bugs like variables used but not initialize, or declared but not used, and so on.

· Path Testing – Path testing is where all possible paths through the code are defined and covered. This testing is extremely laborious and time consuming.

· Loop Testing – In addition top above measures, there are testing strategies based on loop testing. These strategies relate to testing single loops, concatenated loops, and nested loops. Loops are fairly simple to test unless dependencies exist among the loop or b/w a loop and the code it contains.

What do we do in WBT?

In WBT, we use the control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases. Using WBT methods a tester can derive the test cases that

· Guarantee that all independent paths within a module have been exercised at least once.

· Exercise all logical decisions on their true and false values.

· Execute all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds

· Exercise internal data structures to ensure their validity.

White box testing (WBT) is also called Structural or Glass box testing.

Why WBT?

We do WBT because Black box testing is unlikely to uncover numerous sorts of defects in the program. These defects can be of the following nature:

· Logic errors and incorrect assumptions are inversely proportional to the probability that a program path will be executed. Error tend to creep into our work when we design and implement functions, conditions or controls that are out of the program

· The logical flow of the program is sometimes counterintuitive, meaning that our unconscious assumptions about flow of control and data may lead to design errors that are uncovered only when path testing starts.

· Typographical errors are random, some of which will be uncovered by syntax checking mechanisms but others will go undetected until testing begins.

Skills Required

Talking theoretically, all we need to do in WBT is to define all logical paths, develop test cases to exercise them and evaluate results i.e. generate test cases to exercise the program logic exhaustively.

For this we need to know the program well i.e. We should know the specification and the code to be tested; related documents should be available too us .We must be able to tell the expected status of the program versus the actual status found at any point during the testing process.


Unfortunately in WBT, exhaustive testing of a code presents certain logistical problems. Even for small programs, the number of possible logical paths can be very large. For instance, a 100 line C Language program that contains two nested loops executing 1 to 20 times depending upon some initial input after some basic data declaration. Inside the interior loop four if-then-else constructs are required. Then there are approximately 1014 logical paths that are to be exercised to test the program exhaustively. Which means that a magic test processor developing a single test case, execute it and evaluate results in one millisecond would require 3170 years working continuously for this exhaustive testing which is certainly impractical. Exhaustive WBT is impossible for large software systems. But that doesn’t mean WBT should be considered as impractical. Limited WBT in which a limited no. of important logical paths are selected and exercised and important data structures are probed for validity, is both practical and WBT. It is suggested that white and black box testing techniques can be coupled to provide an approach that that validates the software interface selectively ensuring the correction of internal working of the software.

Tools used for White Box testing:

Few Test automation tool vendors offer white box testing tools which:

1) Provide run-time error and memory leak detection;

2) Record the exact amount of time the application spends in any given block of code for the purpose of finding inefficient code bottlenecks; and

3) Pinpoint areas of the application that have and have not been executed.

1.1.1 Basis Path Testing

Basis path testing is a white box testing technique first proposed by Tom McCabe. The Basis path method enables to derive a logical complexity measure of a procedural design and use this measure as a guide for defining a basis set of execution paths. Test Cases derived to exercise the basis set are guaranteed to execute every statement in the program at least one time during testing.

1.1.2 Flow Graph Notation

The flow graph depicts logical control flow using a diagrammatic notation. Each structured construct has a corresponding flow graph symbol.

1.1.3 Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic complexity is a software metric that provides a quantitative measure of the logical complexity of a program. When used in the context of a basis path testing method, the value computed for Cyclomatic complexity defines the number for independent paths in the basis set of a program and provides us an upper bound for the number of tests that must be conducted to ensure that all statements have been executed at least once.

An independent path is any path through the program that introduces at least one new set of processing statements or a new condition.

Computing Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic complexity has a foundation in graph theory and provides us with extremely useful software metric. Complexity is computed in one of the three ways:

1. The number of regions of the flow graph corresponds to the Cyclomatic complexity.

2. Cyclomatic complexity, V(G), for a flow graph, G is defined as

V (G) = E-N+2

Where E, is the number of flow graph edges, N is the number of flow graph nodes.

3. Cyclomatic complexity, V (G) for a flow graph, G is also defined as:

V (G) = P+1

Where P is the number of predicate nodes contained in the flow graph G.

1.1.4 Graph Matrices

The procedure for deriving the flow graph and even determining a set of basis paths is amenable to mechanization. To develop a software tool that assists in basis path testing, a data structure, called a graph matrix can be quite useful.

A Graph Matrix is a square matrix whose size is equal to the number of nodes on the flow graph. Each row and column corresponds to an identified node, and matrix entries correspond to connections between nodes.

1.1.5 Control Structure Testing

Described below are some of the variations of Control Structure Testing.

Condition Testing

Condition testing is a test case design method that exercises the logical conditions contained in a program module.

Data Flow Testing

The data flow testing method selects test paths of a program according to the locations of definitions and uses of variables in the program.

1.1.6 Loop Testing

Loop Testing is a white box testing technique that focuses exclusively on the validity of loop constructs. Four classes of loops can be defined: Simple loops, Concatenated loops, nested loops, and unstructured loops.

Simple Loops

The following sets of tests can be applied to simple loops, where ‘n’ is the maximum number of allowable passes through the loop.

1. Skip the loop entirely.

2. Only one pass through the loop.

3. Two passes through the loop.

4. ‘m’ passes through the loop where m

5. n-1, n, n+1 passes through the loop.

Nested Loops

If we extend the test approach from simple loops to nested loops, the number of possible tests would grow geometrically as the level of nesting increases.

1. Start at the innermost loop. Set all other loops to minimum values.

2. Conduct simple loop tests for the innermost loop while holding the outer loops at their minimum iteration parameter values. Add other tests for out-of-range or exclude values.

3. Work outward, conducting tests for the next loop, but keep all other outer loops at minimum values and other nested loops to “typical” values.

4. Continue until all loops have been tested.

Concatenated Loops

Concatenated loops can be tested using the approach defined for simple loops, if each of the loops is independent of the other. However, if two loops are concatenated and the loop counter for loop 1 is used as the initial value for loop 2, then the loops are not independent.

Unstructured Loops

Whenever possible, this class of loops should be redesigned to reflect the use of the structured programming constructs.

1.2 Black Box Testing

Black box is a test design method. Black box testing treats the system as a "black-box", so it doesn't explicitly use Knowledge of the internal structure. Or in other words the Test engineer need not know the internal working of the “Black box”.

It focuses on the functionality part of the module.

Some people like to call black box testing as behavioral, functional, opaque-box, and closed-box. While the term black box is most popularly use, many people prefer the terms "behavioral" and "structural" for black box and white box respectively. Behavioral test design is slightly different from black-box test design because the use of internal knowledge isn't strictly forbidden, but it's still discouraged.

Personally we feel that there is a trade off between the approaches used to test a product using white box and black box types.

There are some bugs that cannot be found using only black box or only white box. If the test cases are extensive and the test inputs are also from a large sample space then it is always possible to find majority of the bugs through black box testing.

Tools used for Black Box testing:

Many tool vendors have been producing tools for automated black box and automated white box testing for several years. The basic functional or regression testing tools capture the results of black box tests in a script format. Once captured, these scripts can be executed against future builds of an application to verify that new functionality hasn't disabled previous functionality.

Advantages of Black Box Testing

- Tester can be non-technical.

- This testing is most likely to find those bugs as the user would find.

- Testing helps to identify the vagueness and contradiction in functional specifications.

- Test cases can be designed as soon as the functional specifications are complete

Disadvantages of Black Box Testing

- Chances of having repetition of tests that are already done by programmer.

- The test inputs needs to be from large sample space.

- It is difficult to identify all possible inputs in limited testing time. So writing test cases is slow and difficult

Chances of having unidentified paths during this testing

1.2.1 Graph Based Testing Methods

Software testing begins by creating a graph of important objects and their relationships and then devising a series of tests that will cover the graph so that each objects and their relationships and then devising a series of tests that will cover the graph so that each object and relationship is exercised and error is uncovered.

1.2.2 Error Guessing

Error Guessing comes with experience with the technology and the project. Error Guessing is the art of guessing where errors can be hidden. There are no specific tools and techniques for this, but you can write test cases depending on the situation: Either when reading the functional documents or when you are testing and find an error that you have not documented.

1.2.3 Boundary Value Analysis

Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) is a test data selection technique (Functional Testing technique) where the extreme values are chosen. Boundary values include maximum, minimum, just inside/outside boundaries, typical values, and error values. The hope is that, if a system works correctly for these special values then it will work correctly for all values in between.

§ Extends equivalence partitioning

§ Test both sides of each boundary

§ Look at output boundaries for test cases too

§ Test min, min-1, max, max+1, typical values

§ BVA focuses on the boundary of the input space to identify test cases

§ Rational is that errors tend to occur near the extreme values of an input variable

There are two ways to generalize the BVA techniques:

1. By the number of variables

o For n variables: BVA yields 4n + 1 test cases.

2. By the kinds of ranges

o Generalizing ranges depends on the nature or type of variables

§ NextDate has a variable Month and the range could be defined as {Jan, Feb, …Dec}

§ Min = Jan, Min +1 = Feb, etc.

§ Triangle had a declared range of {1, 20,000}

§ Boolean variables have extreme values True and False but there is no clear choice for the remaining three values

Advantages of Boundary Value Analysis

1. Robustness Testing - Boundary Value Analysis plus values that go beyond the limits

2. Min - 1, Min, Min +1, Nom, Max -1, Max, Max +1

3. Forces attention to exception handling

4. For strongly typed languages robust testing results in run-time errors that abort normal execution

Limitations of Boundary Value Analysis

BVA works best when the program is a function of several independent variables that represent bounded physical quantities

1. Independent Variables

· NextDate test cases derived from BVA would be inadequate: focusing on the boundary would not leave emphasis on February or leap years

· Dependencies exist with NextDate's Day, Month and Year

· Test cases derived without consideration of the function

2. Physical Quantities

· An example of physical variables being tested, telephone numbers - what faults might be revealed by numbers of 000-0000, 000-0001, 555-5555, 999-9998, 999-9999?

1.2.4 Equivalence Partitioning

Equivalence partitioning is a black box testing method that divides the input domain of a program into classes of data from which test cases can be derived.

EP can be defined according to the following guidelines:

1. If an input condition specifies a range, one valid and one two invalid classes are defined.

2. If an input condition requires a specific value, one valid and two invalid equivalence classes are defined.

3. If an input condition specifies a member of a set, one valid and one invalid equivalence class is defined.

4. If an input condition is Boolean, one valid and one invalid class is defined.

1.2.5 Comparison Testing

There are situations where independent versions of software be developed for critical applications, even when only a single version will be used in the delivered computer based system. It is these independent versions which form the basis of a black box testing technique called Comparison testing or back-to-back testing.

1.2.6 Orthogonal Array Testing

The Orthogonal Array Testing Strategy (OATS) is a systematic, statistical way of testing pair-wise interactions by deriving a suitable small set of test cases (from a large number of possibilities).

1 comment:

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